Your fitness membership with us comes with accountability coaching.

That means our coaches will:

  • Notice and check on you when you’ve missed classes
  • Check in with you regularly to see how you’re doing
  • Acknowledge you for reaching particular milestones and goals
  • Give you lots of encouragement and shout-outs to recognize how awesome you are



Fitness programs often fail you because there’s no accountability. How many times have you said to yourself, “Well, I’ll go to the gym tomorrow,” and then never made it?

Our coaches will do everything they can to ensure you make it to the gym today.

They’ll get to know you very well and will regularly check your session attendance. If you start missing classes, they’ll know and will reach out to you. And if it comes down to it, they’ll even show you a bit of tough love to get you back on track.

(Don’t worry, this “tough love” will never be anything crazy — just a friendly “Hey! Get your butt back in here! We miss you and want you to succeed!” type of tough love.)

When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, our coaches have your back.

Success Is the Only Option



What’s more, we’ll encourage you to become an accountability partner with other members.

When someone is counting on you to join them in a class, you’ll be way more likely to show up.

When you attend our workouts, you’ll find that our culture is built around support, encouragement, and accountability.

And those are big reasons why our members are so successful at achieving their fitness goals.



“Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.”

— George Washington Carver